
Your ability to deliver products to your customers in a nicer way is the way to your online business success. About 73% of shoppers say that they would not buy from a company again if one of their items arrived in damaged condition

You will have to select the right type of packaging to prevent your product from getting damaged during shipping. This process is not that simple, though. Although you will have to see whether you have to use shipping boxes or mailing envelopes, there are a lot of other sub-options to consider. In other words, selecting the right packaging for your product may turn out to be a process requiring a complex configuration.

Type of packaging to use for your e-commerce business

If you are choosing envelopes, you will have to see if they much are cushioned or non-cushioned variants. Then you will have to see if you can go for standard materials and save money or use branded materials to make your product stand out.

In this article, we will discuss how you can make these choices.

Mailing envelopes

Here are the benefits of mailing envelopes.

  • The materials used in mailing envelopes are less expensive.
  • The storage and shipping costs of these envelopes are low because they take up less space in a warehouse and during shipping.
  • Unlike boxes, you will not need any tape to secure these envelopes. Most mailing envelopes are available with built-in adhesive strips. It means that using these envelopes saves on labor costs significantly.
  • Because of their flexibility, mailing envelopes are usable for the packing of several different items.

You will have to see whether you need cushioned or non-cushioned mailing envelopes. For this purpose, you will have to analyze your product well. For instance, you will need to secure your fragile products using cushioned mailing envelopes.

Shipping boxes

While mailing envelopes can help secure a lot of items, they are not ideal for every packaging application. A lot of items need packaging boxes for their ultimate safety during storage and transit.

The first thing to consider while getting shipping boxes is the size. Using a too-big shipping box can be counterproductive in a lot of ways. It can increase your shipping costs, and it can cause product damage if you do not use enough void-fill. Even if you use the void-fill to protect your product inside a large box, you will end up increasing the amounts of packaging wastes, which can be annoying for the customers too.

On the other hand, you do not want a shipping box to be too small, either. You will have to add some cushioning inside the box to prevent damage to your product. Using a small box eliminates room for that necessary cushioning. Make sure that there are at least 2 inches of room for cushioning for the product from all sides.

Corrugated cardboard is the most popular packaging material in the packaging and shipping industry. It is, however, more expensive compared to mailing envelopes. These boxes offer a lot of advantages, including higher recyclability, greater protection, easy handling, and a lot more.

You can ask for a packaging solution from your packaging supplier. You may also discuss which of both options is right for you.

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